Tuesday, January 17, 2006

What we are going to do about the problem.

Well, of course the Texas thing didn't work out. I pretty much knew it wouldn't. I just *really wanted* it to.

So here, instead, is what we are going to do. Brother-in-law T. and his wife A. and Hyperactive Boy and L'il Cherub Baby are going to move out of our upstairs apartment and join Mom-In-Law in New Mexico, approximately 2/19. Other brother-in-law C. is going to move from our basement, uh, ultra-efficiency apartment (one big room with a big closet, kitchenette, and half-bath) into the upstairs apartment. Babymama and Holy Terror move downstairs into the ultra-efficiency. They will be allowed upstairs two evenings a week to use our shower, because we can't afford to install a shower stall downstairs. BIL C. can't afford to pay the full rent that BIL T. has been paying, so we'll make it up by charging Babymama $75 a week to rent the downstairs. She will pay this out of her welfare money, or her job if she ever gets one. If she doesn't pay it, we will kick her out. (Free ride's over, you pathetic little mooch.) And she had better not keep coming upstairs to hang out with us, because I will have no problem at that point telling her that the main reason we relegated her to the basement is that we want to be seeing a whole lot less of her.

I am seriously considering hiring an exorcist and a Feng Shui practitioner to help me clean out all the bad vibes in Sarah's room once they're out.


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