Happy New Year!
So much has passed since I last found a minute to blog, both good and bad... Chanukah ("It's candle time, mama!") and Christmas... an uneventful New Year's... my friend's behavior as to her impending divorce leading to my hubby's complete rejection of her as any kind of a worthwhile human being... the possibility of getting my dream job (c'mon phone, ring, dammit!!)... receiving a generous cash award which immediately went to pay for holiday credit card spending (net gain = $0)... And even now, I don't have much time but I did want to drop a quick line. So, I will leave you with this one quick thought...
The world's cutest thing is my 27-month-old daughter singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider," complete with accompanying hand movements. I don't have a video camera, so I can't catch it to share here, but you'll just have to take my word for it.
New Year's Resolution: treat my body with respect - feed it well, use soap and antibacterial hand cleaners generously, refrain from insulting it with toxins (no matter how pleasantly intoxicating), give it enough sleep, and get it up on that treadmill at least four times a week. It's the only body I've got, and we two are in it for the long haul together.
May your year 2007 be filled with security, health, and joyous events. Salud!
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