Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Moving right along

No word back from Karen yet re:my letter. I have no idea if I will ever even hear from her again. That's her choice, and I'm OK with it either way.

Esther is just amazing. She's fully verbal now. I don't always understand every word that comes out of her mouth, but she speaks in full sentences now and after awhile I can almost always figure out what she's trying to say.

And the biggest news? She's weaned! I had her down to just her night-night nursing already. Then last weekend we left her with my friend G. and her hubby J. and their kids L. and JJ. while we went to NY for my cousin's daughter's wedding. Our first time apart since she was born - she had a great time but we missed her terribly. But that was two nights without boobies, and when we got back I told her that we were all done with boobies and that Mama didn't have any milk left. She asked for a sippy of water at bedtime, and drank it while we cuddled in bed. Two more nights since then, and each evening she asked once for boobies, but was OK with being told no and settled for water and cuddles instead.

I was so ready to wean her. For the last six months or so, nursing was really unrewarding for me. She wouldn't let me put my arm around her or sing to her. She would nurse while pushing my arm away, kicking me repeatedly, whipping her head around, and trying to talk with my nipple in her mouth (ouch!) But still, it was bittersweet nursing her on Thursday evening, knowing it was the last time it would ever happen.

She's such a very big girl now. Only one last milestone to go before she leaves babyhood behind for ever - potty training! Speaking of which, she says she has "poopies again." Boy, I just can't wait to leave poopy diapers behind.


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