Wonderful weekend with new, bigger Babygirl
Well, as I predicted, she's made us a bigger baby. Just for comparison's sake, here's a picture of her on the same ride-on car, before the winter and another taken this past weekend.

I took her for a ride on her new push tricycle to the local park.

There's a little skate/BMX/board park in the park, which was deserted so early in the morning, so I pushed her up the smaller berms and over the little humps in the floor. She loved this and laughed hysterically. (Please note the safety harness I rigged up in the other tricycle shot before you leave me bad-mommy hate comments!)

"I'm a thug. Better not mess with me!"

She practiced running in our backyard (after daddy and I spent an hour cleaning up a winter's worth of dog shit, that is.) Please be sure to note the super-cool toddler Chuck Taylors, a gift from Uncle T. It seemed like she'd *never* grow into them!

We went to the Pet Show at the Convention Center. It was sponsored by Petco and their mascot, a big red dog who looks a lot like Clifford but isn't, was there. Babygirl loved him and hugged him and gave him kisses.

Wish I had gotten more pics from the pet show - she was over the moon about all the great big dogs and tiny little dogs and bunnies and kitties.
And here's some pics from early Sunday morning, just hanging out with Mama. Look how tall she is! And what stellar bed head she woke up with!

I love my job, but it's hard being here without her and missing all these little moments. But at least we got the most out of our weekend together.
Wow! She is getting big! So cute. she looks like her mama!
She's adorable! And brave.
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